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gtk-mac-integration OS X integration for GTK
gtk-server (V) Small tool to enable GUI access for shell scripts
gtk-sharp C# bindings for GTK
gtk-sharp3 .NET bindings for GTK+3
gtk+extra Useful set of GTK+ widgets for creating GUIs
gtk2 GIMP Toolkit v2 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
gtk2-chtheme GTK+2 theme changer with preview
gtk2-engines Theme engines for GTK+ version 2
gtk2-engines-bluecurve Port of the famous Bluecurve theme for GTK2+
gtk2-engines-murrine GTK2+ engine featuring a modern glassy look
gtk2-murrina-fancy-clearlooks (V) Murrine fancy clearlooks themes pack
gtk2-theme-switch Allows quick & easy switching of GTK+ 2.x themes
gtk2+extra Useful set of GTK+ widgets for creating GUIs
gtk3 GIMP Toolkit v3 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
gtk3-engines-unico Unico Gtk+ Theming Engine for GTK+ 3.0
gtk3-nocsd Hack to disable GTK+ 3 client side window decorations
gtk4 Multi-platform toolkit for creating GUIs, version 4
gtkdatabox GTK3 widget for live display of fluctuating numerical data
gtkglarea OpenGL/Mesa widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit
gtkglarea2 OpenGL widget for the GTK+2 GUI toolkit
gtkmm C++ interface to Gtk+ v2
gtkmm3 C++ Interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME (v3)
gtkmm4 C++ Interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME (v4)
gtksourceview3 Text widget that extends GTK3's GtkTextView widget (v3)
gtksourceview4 Text widget that extends GTK3's GtkTextView widget (v4)
gtksourceview5 Text widget that extends GTK4's GtkTextView widget (v5)
gtkstep GTK theme-engine to yield a NEXTSTEP(tm) look and feel
gtkterm2 Simple GTK-2 terminal with tabs
gxmessage GTK2+ based xmessage clone
hanterm X11R6-based xterm hacked for managing Korean languages
herbe Daemon-less notifications without D-Bus
hot-babe System load monitor
hs-X11 Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library
hs-X11-xft Bindings to the Xft library, and some Xrender parts
hsetroot Allows you to compose wallpapers for X
i3lock Slightly improved screen locker based on slock
i3lock-color Slightly improved screen locker based on slock
i3lockr Distort a screenshot and run i3lock
iceauth ICE protocol utility
icewm (V) Small, fast and light-weight window manager
ico Animate icosahedron or other polyhedrons
imake (V) Obsolete build tool for X software
imgui (V) Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++
imwheel Tool which helps to use mousewheels
intel-gpu-tools (V) Test & development tools for the intel DRM kernel driver
ja-elisat (V) 8x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
ja-elisau (V) 10x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
ja-kaname (V) 12x12 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
ja-kappa20 (V) 20x20 dots X11 bitmap font for Japanese with several extra fonts
ja-naga10 (V) 10x10 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
ja-shinonome (V) 12, 14, 16 dots bitmap fonts for Japanese, iso8859-1
jisx0208fonts (V) Meta-package including X11 BDF fonts for JIS X0208 standard and more
jisx0212fonts (V) X11 bitmap fonts for JIS X 0212
jisx0213fonts (V) X11 bitmap fonts for JIS X 0213
jolly Small bookmarking launcher for desktop usage
kactivities KDE Activity Manager
kactivities-stats Core components for the KDE's Activities
kactivities5 Core components for the KDE's Activities
kactivitymanagerd (V) System service to manage user's activities and track the usage patterns
kcodecs (V) Collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings
kconfigwidgets Widgets for KConfig
kde (V) meta-package for KDE applications
kde-baseapps4 Base modules for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop
kde-cli-tools (V) Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system
kde-runtime4 Runtime requirements for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kde-workspace4 Base workspace for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop
kde4 (V) meta-package for the KDE4 integrated X11 desktop
kdecoration (V) Plugin based library to create window decorations
kded Extensible deamon for providing system level services
kdelibs4 Support libraries for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdelibs4support Porting aid from KDELibs4
kdesignerplugin Integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator
keybinder Library for registering keyboard shortcuts
keybinder3 Library for registering keyboard shortcuts
keylaunch X utility for binding commands to a hot key
kf5 (V) meta-package for the KDE Frameworks 5
kf6-frameworkintegration Provide components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace
kf6-kconfigwidgets Widgets for KConfig
kf6-kded Extensible deamon for providing system level services
kf6-kglobalaccel Add support for global workspace shortcuts
kf6-kguiaddons Addons to QtGui
kf6-kirigami QtQuick based components set
kf6-kitemviews Widget addons for Qt Model/View
kf6-kjobwidgets Widgets for tracking KJob instances
kf6-ktextwidgets Advanced text editing widgets
kf6-kwidgetsaddons Addons to QtWidgets
kf6-kwindowsystem Access to the windowing system
kf6-kxmlgui User configurable main windows
kf6-qqc2-desktop-style Style for Qt Quick Controls 2 to make it follow your desktop theme
kgamma5 (V) Adjust your monitor's gamma settings
kglobalaccel Add support for global workspace shortcuts
kguiaddons Addons to QtGui
khotkeys (V) KHotKeys
kinit Process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications
kirigami-addons Add-ons for the Kirigami framework
kirigami2 QtQuick based components set
kitemviews Widget addons for Qt Model/View
kitty GPU based terminal emulator
kjobwidgets Widgets for tracking KJob instances
kmenuedit (V) KDE menu editor
mk Subfolder